The Poetry Route – Write Something Edmonton!
Ok, we here at PoFest central know that your summer is in full swing. You’re busy with patio jumping, pool basking, iced-beverage consuming, and general warm weather lackadaisicalism. We understand that gleaning every last millisecond of goodness from the summer is priority #1. Buy hey, the art and toil of Edmonton’s poets stops for nothing short of planetary collapse. In any case, it’s time to wade through the disturbing number of empties at your feet, pick up a writing device and Write Something, Edmonton!
Submissions for the September run of The Poetry Route (a program that places poetry on Edmonton City Buses) are now open, and you should check out the submission guidelines right now. The theme of this run is “Voices of Home”, and we’re looking for love poems to places in Edmonton.
The submission deadline is August 16, 2013. Don’t miss it! You’ll be sad if you do, and there is nothing we can do console you, except maybe spot you a lemonade from one of the many stands that have beautifully sprouted on our fair city streetsides (because, really, you don’t need another margarita).
And hey, if you’re feeling especially inspired, check out the project on Make Something Edmonton. Such an awesome thing to see so many people building things in this town!
View the submission guidelines →
Check you later, skaters.