News Archive

April 17, 2014

Book Launch: Shawna Lemay's Asking

Tonight, Thursday April 17, 2014, Longtime friend of the Edmonton Poetry Festival Shawna Lemay launches her latest collection of poems and poem-essays, the exquisitely titled Asking. (Audrey’s Books, 10702 Jasper Avenue, Edmonton. 7:00pm) For ... Read More 

April 14, 2014

One Week to Go

Actually, one week less a day. The Edmonton Poetry Festival begins on Sunday April 20, 2014 with a killer event featuring New Mexican poet and musician, Joy Harjo. There are still a few tickets ... Read More 

April 8, 2014


You’ve been more tired than usual lately. You go to bed earlier and wake up with heavier eyes. This, mere days after your birthday. Today you forgo the usual ground beans and reach for ... Read More