Live From Last Night: Gregory Scofield and Marilyn Dumont
Greetings PoFest aficionados! The 2017 edition of the Edmonton Poetry Festival is in full swing and we hope you’re having a great time. So much great poetry in the air, so many wonderful poets, and so many different poetic styles to choose from! For lovers of The Word, this week is bliss.
On Wednesday April 19, 2017 we presented an evening of indigenous Canadian poetry entitled Eskonahkwahk. The event was hosted by Edmonton’s Poet Laureate Emerita, Anna Marie Sewell, and featured readings by Gregory Scofield, Marilyn Dumont, Liz Howard, and Rebecca Thomas. The event was filled with incredible poetry from all.
We’d like to share a couple of short tracks that were recorded at the event. First up is the poem that ended Gregory’s set, She is Spitting a Mouthful of Stars. It’s a beautiful poem for his mother – his mother’s song. Have a listen:
Audio PlayerMarilyn Dumont put on a really great show, and this track, which wholly redefines Edmonton’s “signature dish”, encapsulates her razor-sharp wit:
Audio PlayerIt was a wonderful event! There are many more exciting Edmonton Poetry Festival events to come this week, so check our schedule for all the details.
Thanks for listening!