Hey, you know what’s cool? The library. Yes, contrary to what all your reprobate friends would have you believe, it is cool to have a library card. The library is – perhaps – our greatest invention. The storehouses of our collected knowledge; the structures in which our stories reside. Arguably, libraries are the most important buildings in our culture.

Library Call

The Edmonton Poetry Festival’s Poetry Route project – an endeavour that places poetry on Edmonton buses and trains – is stoked to help celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Edmonton Public Library in 2013.

Submissions are now open for Love Letters to your Library, a new round of bus poems that will begin appearing on Edmonton Transit vehicles in early 2013. We think you should DEFINITELY take time away from your not-so-busy schedule and pen a poem or two to the citadels of knowledge and story that are our libraries.

Here is the official call with submission guidelines. The deadline is November 9, 2012. So go. Write. Write more. And write even more. Then edit. And don’t forget to edit again and again. Then submit. This is the way the world begins…not with dally, but with charge.