Ah, time to dust off the old blog and crush out an update. First thing: Don’t worry. Just cuz you haven’t seen a post here at PoFest HQ, doesn’t mean things aren’t happening. In fact, things are really rocking along. We made it through the soul destroying contrivance of Valentines Day and now we’re headlong into the sanctioned binge drinking day called St Patrick’s Day. In no time, after you’ve recovered from strongarming green beer and just before the birds make their final mating calls, it will be time for PoFest 2009. We just added a bunch of new headliners, go check them out.

Interesting thing, collecting author bios and photos and such. Although the little author thumbnail photos on the headliners page give you an idea of what each author looks like, a few of them must be seen in their full-size glory to be appreciated. These photos just show to go ya that a good author photo is worth a million bucks. Doesn’t have to be professional, just has to have some style. Here goes, with commentary.

CR Avery

Above: CR Avery. We booked CR for our big Saturday shindig. Looks like a guy you wanna have a beer with, eh? He could spin a story around a sweating bottle of amber and up around that pinball machine over yonder.

David O'Meara

Above: David O’Meara. David’s booked for the LitCrawl event. This is the kind of enigmatic pic that really captures interest. Don’t you wanna see this guy perform based solely on his photo?

Titi Sonuga

Above: Titilope Sonuga. Titi is booked for the LitCrawl. If you’ve never seen her live, you owe it to yourself to do so. A captivating image for a brave, powerful performer.

Well dear poets, that about does it for me. Right now, I’m listening to Coltrane weave his way around Wise One. Beautiful, beautiful stuff. No wonder the Beats clung to jazz. It’s more poetic than any bawler trapped behind a guitar.

And don’t forget to sign up for PoFest 2009 if you haven’t already. If I see you on the street, and you haven’t signed up, it’s gonna come to blows. Seriously. Don’t test me on it.