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If you poke your noggin out your window far enough, you will hear the sound of hundreds of poets gearing up for the Edmonton Poetry Festival, which starts on Monday April 19 with the Killer Blinks. The Blinks are an Edmonton-invented phenomenon, and the event has become the traditional kickoff to the festival. The reader roster will be posted sometime soon so keep an eye out for that. You really should have a gander at the Schedule and start marking dates on your calendar, if you haven’t already.

One event that certainly looks cool is the Girls Night Out featuring Ariel Gordon, Tracy Hamon and Su Croll. I really love the poster that was made up for the event. Looks like it’ll be a great evening of verse, and it all happens on Tuesday April 20, 2010 at Audrey’s Books, 10702 Jasper Avenue, 7pm to 9pm. It’s a free event, so you can keep the bank balance on the black.

Tons of other events at the ready, so keep an eye on this space for updates.