We get it. Your Caramel Macchiato habit is getting out of control. Every little price bump ($5.10 at last reckoning) inspires a silent vow to stop the madness and switch to Earl Grey. But who does that in March? With Roll Up The Rim season still going strong, perhaps a dose of apostasy is in order. You’re not that fickle. You like your coffee as you like your ghazals and sonnets: Tight.

In case you missed it, we announced our schedule and author lineup last week. The whole gig starts on Sunday April 19. We did something a bit different to kick off the festival this year. We offered five “BYOV” spots to our community and took event proposals. We ended up with a great opening day with a string of events from 10am to 9pm. Here’s a quick peek at what you can do on Sunday April 19:

Not a bad way to spend a Sunday, amirite? We dearly hope you enjoy this year’s festival and encourage you to take in a Sunday event – support our local wordsmiths and the work they do to keep the art of poetry alive in Edmonton.

One more thing: there’s a small press in BC called The Lake Journal and they’re taking submissions for their latest chapbook contest. The deadline is this Friday, March 13. If you’ve got a bank of poems ready to go, consider submitting. You’ll get a fine-press chapbook out of the deal (provided you win, of course). Check out Lake Journal here.