News Archive

April 17, 2012

On Your Marks

Ascant four days stand between you and the only Edmonton festival that celebrates the beauty of language: The Edmonton Poetry Festival. Surely, in your heart of hearts, you knew this? Surely you were crossing ... Read More 

April 7, 2012

Let's Not Try to Figure Out Everything At Once

There are a few Waxwings lingering at the runoff watering holes. They won’t be here long – the north has summoned them. The robins and their tuneful throats have finally moved in. Before long, ... Read More 

April 2, 2012

The Line that is Dead

We all know and love deadlines, don’t we? Sure, but deep down we hate and/or depend on them. If it weren’t for deadlines, nobody would get published, nothing would be built, there would be ... Read More