Golden ticket

Y’know how rare the Golden Ticket is? It’s nearly as rare as a spot in the Cafe Readings at the Edmonton Poetry Festival. If you’re interested in kicking out some verse on Sunday April 25, you better mosey on over to the signup page and throw your details down because there are PRECIOUS FEW spots left to be had. In fact they’re vanishing as swiftly as Rush Limbaugh’s citizenship, so get on it. And by the way, spots for the Sound Poetry Workshop are gone, non-existent, history, toast, and irredeemably impossible to come by. So if you were hoping to make manifest your epic ode to Garamond ligatures (and who doesn’t have an ode to some obscure typographic form), sorry pal, but you’re out of luck.

Don’t forget: Tim Bowling and Randall Maggs tonight (March 23) at Audrey’s Books, 7:30pm. Thursday (March 25): Jenna Butler and Robert Kroetsch at Greenwoods Books, 7:30. Here’s a more complete skinny.