That’s right. That ‘ol thimble of spring steel and tiny gears that resides on your wrist is ticking away. Wednesday, April 1, 2009 is the signup deadline for PoFest 2009. Don’t forget that we’ve added the super-cool zen reading event, One Breath, A Timeless Hour of Poetry. You can find signup details (for that event only) here. There are still a few spots open for the Blinks and Cafe Readings, so if you’re feeling the need to shout your verses to a mob of rabid verse chewers, you can throw your name into the hat here.

PoFest officially lights up on April 23, but there are a few “pre festival” events lined up. If you haven’t already, you should take a look at the updated schedule page for details. Still lots of riveting and welding to do on that one, but keep your eyes peeled for the latest.

A few more plugs:

  1. The Raving Poets start their new series on April 1, 2009. Open stage poetry with the Raving Poets Band. Every Wednesday night from April 1 to May 27, 2009. Yianni’s Kasbar Lounge, 10444 – 82 Avenue. Signup at 7:30, show at 8:00. Complete details are here.
  2. The venerable Olive Reading Series goes on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 at Hulburt’s Cafe, 7601-115 street. [Warning: shameless plug to follow] Michael Gravel and Trisia Eddy are the features, and there will be a chapbook available. Check the site for complete reader details.

Over and out. Talk to you guys soon.