Submission Deadline: December 22, 2014.

The Edmonton Poetry Festival seeks poems on the theme “Urban Wildlife” for the next flight of The Poetry Route, a project that puts poetry onto public transit vehicles.

Write us a poem about wildlife in the city! We want to see words about the friendly neighborhood Magpie, the fleet-of-foot Fox you glimpse out your window, and the white Rabbits nestled in the snow outside your door. Has your Cat been dive-bombed by Crows? What do you see when you run through the river valley? Which creatures have invaded your back alleys? This city is rich with wildlife and we want you to write us a poem about those wild creatures we all love, or love to hate!

Three winning poems will circulate on ETS buses and LRT cars for a minimum of eight weeks, launching at the end of January. We provide an honorarium of $100 to each of the three poets whose work is chosen. The submission deadline is December 22nd.

Submission Guidelines