Hello friends of poetry! The 2016 edition of the Edmonton Poetry Festival, Poetry Becomes, is fast approaching! The festival runs almost entirely on volunteer power, and it’s time once again for our annual Call for Volunteers. #PoFest16 is a community-based celebration of some of the finest poets working on the local, national and international scene. We strive to connect those poets and community members in a fun and safe environment!

Volunteers are an essential part of the festival. They help create a successful festival year-after-year. We believe this volunteer experience is welcoming and entertaining. Our team of volunteers, in collaboration with staff, work hard to bring the city of Edmonton a multi-faceted poetry experience! Together we create a supportive and appreciative space for the artists and volunteers to collaborate and perform, and a welcoming, safe and comfortable space for audience members of all ages and backgrounds to enjoy.

If you have time and expertise to share please volunteer and join our team! Just click on the link below and tell us where you think your skills will be most effective. And thank you. The festival doesn’t exist without you!

Fill in our volunteer web form →