Events Schedule

French Twist

Café Bicyclette 8627 91 Street NW, #004, Edmonton, AB, Canada

The 8th edition of French Twist, Edmonton Poetry Festival’s francophone event, is designed and hosted by Josée Thibeault with the view to inviting audience members into a unique bilingual experience of poetry at the heart of the Edmonton Poetry Festival. This year’s edition featured at Café Bicyclette in the French quarter will highlight an exciting array of poets reading and performing in French and in translation. Pierrette Requier, Edmonton’s former poet laureate, instigator and coordinator of the last 7 editions of French Twist, will grace us with her presence and her works. We look forward to sharing our Mots de chez nous ! La 8e édition du French Twist, l’événement francophone du Edmonton Poetry Festival, est conçue et animée par Josée Thibeault. Le public est invité à vivre une expérience bilingue et unique en poésie, au cœur du Festival de poésie d’Edmonton. L’édition de cette année présentée au Café Bicyclette, […]

French Twist

Café Bicyclette 8627 91 Street NW, #004, Edmonton, AB, Canada

The 7th edition of French Twist, Edmonton Poetry Festival’s francophone event is designed and hosted by Pierrette Requier with the view to inviting audience members into a unique bilingual experience of poetry at the heart of the festival. This year’s edition featured at Café Bicyclette in the French Quarter will highlight an exciting array of poets reading and performing in French and in translation. We look forward to sharing our joie de vivre en poésie!