Authors & Headliners
Sue Goyette

Sue Goyette lives in Halifax and has published four books of poems, The True Names of Birds, Undone, outskirts (Brick Books), and Ocean (Gaspereau Press) as well as a novel, Lures (HarperCollins, 2002). Her next collection, The Brief Reincarnation of a Girl, is forthcoming from Gaspereau Press. She’s been nominated for several awards including the Governor General’s Award for Poetry, the Gerald Lampert, the Thomas Head Raddall Atlantic Fiction Award, the Dartmouth Book Award, the Acorn-Plantos Award and, most recently, the 2014 Griffin Poetry Prize. She won the 2008 CBC Literary Prize for Poetry, the 2010 Earle Birney Prize, the 2011 Bliss Carman Award, the 2012 Pat Lowther Award, the 2012 Atlantic Poetry Prize, Silver in the 2013 National Magazine Awards and the 2014 Nova Scotia Booksellers Choice Award. Her poetry has appeared on the Toronto subway system, in wedding vows and spray-painted on a sidewalk somewhere in St. John, New Brunswick. Sue currently teaches in the Creative Writing Program at Dalhousie University.