Authors & Headliners
Elsa Robinson
Elsa finally decided to start her art career in November 2005. Up until then, she had focused on producing art prints on t-shirts in an effort to bring the art to the streets of Edmonton. I used to sell my art shirts at the Old Strathcona Farmers’ Market and local festivals in Edmonton. This brought recognition and respect for my work from the public, from artists and art organizations.
In 2008, she received a Cultural Diversity in the Arts Award from the City of Edmonton, and decided to take the next step in her career by registering for the Bachelor of Arts degree, with a Major in Art and Design, at the University of Alberta. This was an excellent opportunity to learn more about art in general and to work with different media including acrylic and oil paints, drawing, batik, sculpture and collage.
Her work includes mixed media collage, acrylic, oil and batik paintings. She finds that collage offers an open-endedness of creativity that is equally liberating and challenging. Her work is highly influenced by that of the African-American artist Romare Bearden and by her sense of spirituality. She says, “each piece of art I complete is a challenge, a birthing, a joy!” More here →.