Well, well. It’s that time again. Listen up all you E-Town poets, wordsmiths, slammers, Ravers, Strollers, Olive-ers, sundry ne’er-do-wellers, and anyone with a hankering to get your words off the page. Event signups for the Edmonton Poetry Festival 2012 Edition are officially open.

You can sign up for events here.

Which events can you sign up for? Well, check the signup page above for complete details, but here’s the skinny:

Wait, why are you still reading this? Get on over there and sign yourself up. Please don’t wait. We try to accommodate everyone but sometimes space fills up. Don’t be left wordless in the gutter.

Poets, be fearless in your work. Care immensely about what you put into the world. We need you to be mighty. Don’t wait. The universe won’t.