Event Signups are Open!
Before I get into the meat of this post, two PSAs for your consideration:
- Tickets for our larger events are selling fast. If you’re thinking of attending one of them, head on over to the schedule page and buy your tickets.
- We’re still looking for some volunteers. Here is our call for volunteers. Join us, and help make poetry move through #yeg this spring.
And now, The Weather.
Do you know that YOU have a chance to read at the Edmonton Poetry Festival? Do you know that the world needs your work? Have you considered there are those who may be waiting patiently to hear your art? One of the most beautiful things about this festival is its diversity. We feature authors from across Canada and the world on our stages, and we’re very proud of those events. Our local community makes this whole thing run, and we are always stoked to feature our local verse-hounds in two open sign-up events. We are accepting event signups NOW, and you should check the details below.
Gone with the Blinks happens on Monday April 20, and is our traditional Monday night event. The highlights here are SIXTY poets reading for no more than 30 seconds each. It’s fully-automatic poetry and the range of voices and energy is always inspiring. Sign up to read!
The Cafe Readings happen on Sunday April 26 and they are the festival’s traditional denouement: 70 poets in 3 venues across 3 hours. Each poet get a little more time to stretch out – readings are roughly 4-5 minutes long. Listening to poetry in the air is a great way to spend a spring Sunday, and a fine way to fold up a week of poetic greatness. Sign up here for the cafe readings →
Stop reading “OK!” magazine. Stop thinking about the dog mess that awaits you in the back yard thaw. Have a bias toward action. Stop playing small and let us hear your verses. More trying. Less crying. Your audience awaits.